Sunday, May 11, 2008

Pizza by bicycle

Pizza delivered by bicycle, originally uploaded by Monkeykun.

After transporting two large pizzas home last weekend with no problems, I decided to send an email to the pizza company we ordered from and share my idea of having bicycle delivery service offered for 3 mile or less orders (of course I hinted that I would be interested in doing the job). Their response:

"Great idea, and we appreciate your interest. We have seen motorbike and bicycle deliveries in very densely populated areas (near office buildings, high-rise apartment buildings, etc.) Our method of delivery uses hot ovens in our trucks to keep our food at the proper temperature, and we also have a need to have consistent delivery. For example, if it's raining or snowing, a bike would probably not work out if the distance was more than a couple blocks. You haven't given any indication of your age, but if you are at least 16, stop in and apply for an entry level job. Our delivery drivers must be at least 21, as that's the age our insurance allows us to hire for using company vehicles.

All the best,
Joy Kealey
Chicago Connection, LLC"

Oh well, it was worth a shot. Maybe when gas hits $5/gallon they'll need me.


Unknown said...

I think I ate at that place.

Clancy said...

What rack is that? I really like front racks such as the CETMA but can' t justify the cost.

Josh said...

It's a 5-rail CETMArack. It was a little spendy and after installing it and using it for awhile I probably could've fabricated one (if I had the time, I need to finish my faux footsies). It's okay though, Lane (owner of CETMA) builds cool racks and it's a small company not too far from here.

Vik said...

Around here there is a bike messenger who uses a BOB trailer to carry bigger than normal packages around town. That might have some possibilities if you want to do something with your BD that involves deliveries???

Josh said...

Big Dummy transport service, that's a good idea!

Unknown said...

Crolls Pizza in Alameda, California does lots of deliveries by bike. They have a bike trailer and I see it zipping around town all the time.

But then again, the weather here is almost always perfect (it rains a bit in the winter) and it's a totally flat island with a 25MPH speed limit.

Hmm.. Maybe you should move over here? :) Crolls Pizza might be hiring!